45 Karimbla Early Learning Centre Philosophy 


 At 45 Karimbla ELC we believe it takes a whole village to raise a child. We believe Childhood is not just preparation for life, Childhood is life. 


We value and believe in:

* Our relationships with children, families and staff *

* Our families and community involvement *

* Our team *

* Our families values *

* Children learning through play *

* Sustainability practices *

*Children’s voices and supporting them to become strong in their social, emotional and mental wellbeing*

* The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples *


Our relationships are a valuable and embedded practice at Karimbla. We believe good relationships early in life help children to connect with others, build positive friendships and support children to self-regulate their emotions. Our genuine partnerships with families reflect communication, trust and respect.

Our families are an integral part of our Karimbla family. Our relationships are built on trust, sharing of information and working collaboratively with their child’s interests at heart. We have close connections with our local community and engage children in various experiences to create a sense of belonging.

We believe staff should be acknowledged for their dedication, experience, hard work and gentle nature. Each staff member holds their own set of skills and strengths. We believe in the importance of working as a team, creating an environment where staff feel comfortable, motivated, supported and have the opportunity to learn from each other.  

Our families value the safe environment we provide. The culture at Karimbla ELC focuses on wellbeing and the development and growth of the children, including children’s unique individual interests and abilities. The facilities and community involvement we provide contribute to the learning outcomes of the children. Our educators’ passion, expertise, and enthusiasm are valued by our families.

We believe that children learn through play and strive to provide a positive, vibrant, and responsive space to be, belong and become. In doing so we can support children’s development of understanding, inquiry and creative thinking processes that are necessary for lifelong learning.

We believe in involving children in sustainable practices. Children are supported to take an active role in caring for the environment, therefore creating a sustainable future. Educators recognise children’s interests and abilities to engage with concepts of sustainability and advocating for positive change.

We are passionate about providing our children with a safe, secure and nurturing environment where they can develop confidence, feel respected and valued. We believe in acknowledging children’s voices and ensuring they feel heard. We educate children to become strong in their social, emotional and mental wellbeing, building resilience and acknowledge their own achievements and those of others.

We acknowledge and respect the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the traditional custodians                                               of the land on which we gather to live, learn and work.                                                       

Redeveloped April, 2024